Dec 2016
12 Unusual Christmas Traditions from Around the World
Christmas is the season to be jolly. Certainly, in some countries, peculiar traditions provide enough entertainment to make sure that the seasonal cheer is enjoyed by everyone. From traditional beliefs and ritual practices, we take a look at some of the cultures around the world and what they get up to during Christmas. You […]
Aug 2016
Is now the perfect time to grow online?
Not too long ago, if a business owner said they will be able to trade and sell their products to almost every person in the world regardless of their location, they’ll be laughed at. Today, the idea rather than something to laugh about, is a reality. With the growth of internet and mobile devices, businesses […]
Jun 2016
How UK Private Schools Attract International Students
Emerging economies throughout the world present excellent opportunities for businesses in the UK to attract a wider audience from overseas. Given the decline in the number of British students receiving private education, UK boarding schools should look to capitalise on the fortunes of overseas families that want to provide their children with the best education. […]

May 2016
Localisation of Food Products Earns Brands Trust
If you could trust any product on your shopping list, you would like to think the food you buy and eat is reliable. Trust is a funny thing when it comes to food, though. After all, everyone’s guilty of indulging in the odd bit of junk food every now and again, even when we know […]

May 2016
Why Businesses Should NOT Use Automated Translation Tools
This Is Why Businesses Should NOT Use Automated Translation Tools Any translation agency will tell you that free automated translations tools available online do serve a purpose. But cross-border businesses looking to communicate with a foreign audience is not one of them. From the view of a professional linguist, it is understandable that businesses might […]

Mar 2016
Oscars Nomination Committee Scrutinised Over Best Foreign Language Film
The Oscar nomination committee were in the news again this week over claims that Hollywood is anti-ethnic – an irony considering the industry is dominated by Jewish owners. In the build up to the illustrious Academy Awards which happened last week, the nominations for the Best Foreign Language film came under scrutiny due to […]

Feb 2016
What Is Transcreation And Why Is It Important?
In order to compete, marketers now have to evaluate the cultural dimensions of their target markets, understand the consumers’ attitudes, behaviour and beliefs and tailor their marketing campaigns to create an impact in these markets. Therefore, in order to succeed in new markets and appeal new customers, the use of creative translations – Transcreation – […]
Jan 2016
How many Europeans don’t have any foreign language skills?
European Language Skills

Sep 2015
How I learnt a New Language Unintentionally
Have you ever done something suddenly? Perhaps you went away to a new country, or bought something at the very last minute. I’ve done all of the above, and I’ve also begun studying a new language without intended on doing so. 15 year old me To infinity and beyond! Okay not exactly, but I […]
Aug 2015
The Etiquette of Business in Latin America
The etiquette of doing business differs depending on which part of the world you find yourself. Today, we’re focusing on Latin America and the way business is dealt with in this region. If you require certified Spanish translations, click here. Language The main language spoken in Latin America is Spanish, where people are proud of […]