Feb 2016
Everything you must know about Multilingual and International SEO
A guide to Localised and Multilingual SEO The need for online businesses to rethink the use of language as part of their SEO is a growing trend. As many companies are finding out, the internet is an invaluable tool for cross-border marketing. The potential to reach a wider audience is huge. Whether your company plans to expand into an […]
Jan 2016
How many Europeans don’t have any foreign language skills?
European Language Skills

Sep 2015
How I learnt a New Language Unintentionally
Have you ever done something suddenly? Perhaps you went away to a new country, or bought something at the very last minute. I’ve done all of the above, and I’ve also begun studying a new language without intended on doing so. 15 year old me To infinity and beyond! Okay not exactly, but I […]
Aug 2015
The Etiquette of Business in Latin America
The etiquette of doing business differs depending on which part of the world you find yourself. Today, we’re focusing on Latin America and the way business is dealt with in this region. If you require certified Spanish translations, click here. Language The main language spoken in Latin America is Spanish, where people are proud of […]

Jul 2015
Epic Translation Fails!
Today we come to you with a light hearted post showcasing 10 of our favourite epic translation fails. Here at our agency, we work very hard to avoid situations like these, but in the spirit of having fun, we want to show you some of our favourite translation fails that we’ve found on the web. […]
Jul 2015
Here are a few reasons why I love working as a translator
There may be some people who will look at this title and question what I love about my job. I imagine hearing the usual ‘isn’t your job repetitive? do you ever leave your house?’ Yes, these are negative stereotypes, and some more generalised than others. But despite these negative associations, I love working as a translator and […]
May 2015
3 Tips to learn a new language
Today we’ve decided to share some simple but effective tips to use when learning a new language. We understand that language learning requires dedication and effort, and we’re sure that every learner has tricks that work perfectly for them. But because we like to think that we know a thing or two about languages, we’ve […]

Apr 2015
Change your excuses into reasons to learn a new language
Studying a new language is an epic journey that can be very rewarding. And because this can be complex, excuses, delays and procrastinations can easily become a normal part of a language learners thought process. For that reason we will share some excuses that we’ve heard to often when the going gets tough, but because […]
Apr 2015
A perfect day to share interesting facts about the English language
Today is a lot of things, as well as being a beautiful spring day, it’s also St George’s Day, and not only this, but today also marks the celebration of Shakespeare Day. And in honour of all things English, we’ve decided that there is no better way than to celebrate the wonders of the English […]