Apr 2015
Is grammar as important as we think?
The subject of grammar is a touchy one, especially if you regard yourself a grammar stickler like Lynne Trust, author of the infamous and witty grammar book ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves’. I picked up a copy of the book in my first year at university after having it recommended to me by a lecturer. […]
Apr 2015
My Experience of Customer Service in Japan
I’ve had my fair share of customer service experiences, in fact I’ve been on the other end, having worked in hospitality for a number of years. I would like to believe that I know a thing or two about what customer satisfaction truly means…or do I? I mean while this statement is true here in […]

Mar 2015
How I Learnt Spanish In A Year
Today we have a guest post from Hanna Wilson, a language learner from Brighton who has fulfilled her New Year’s resolution of learning the Spanish language. But it wasn’t an easy journey as Hanna will tell you, but a very fulfilling one. Learning the Spanish language has been a reoccurring new year’s resolution of mine for many years. My quest […]
Mar 2015
The Impact of Slang on Language
Every year numerous new words and abbreviations find their way into the dictionary. Some may say this is all part of a language revolution while others can’t fathom how words, phrases and abbreviations used informally can be given such importance. Popular terms such as ‘duckface’, ‘lol’ and ‘jel’ have all been included in the […]
Dec 2014
China Has Created the First Sign Language Video Dictionary
A local charity in Wuxi, a southern Chinese city in the Jiangsu province, has gotten the attention of national news last month after creating a Chinese sign language video dictionary. The video which is the first of its kind, made national headlines after becoming a hit online. Volunteers participated in the video dictionary which was […]
Dec 2014
One Language- Brits and Americans spell differently
Is it centre or center, litre or liter? Actually, depending on whichever side of the Atlantic Ocean you find yourself, either way of spelling the above words are classed as correct. But how can a mutual language shared between two nations seem so separated? Well in the case of Britain and America they can. There […]