Jun 2021
The Brutal Impact Of COVID-19 On Cultures Around The Globe
The impact of COVID-19 on cultures around the world has been severe and, in some cases, devastating. Festival cancellations and other repercussions on the tourism sector are more obvious, than other, less prominent consequences of the pandemic. Today, we’ll talk about how COVID-19 is changing cultures all over the world. We’ll look at how Covid […]

Jun 2021
Culture In Marketing: How To Successfully Globalise Your Brand
How do you market your business to people from various cultures and geographic locations? Let’s explore culture in marketing for your new, globalised brand. Imagine that a company plans to globalise its business with hopes of increasing its net yearly profit by millions. The calculations have been done based on market demand, and the business […]
May 2021
Marketing to the Caribbean; Aspects to Consider
Marketing To The Caribbean; The Role Of Video, Culture, And Language. Two key things make up the content in your content marketing strategy: words and visuals. Images, graphics and the use of language in marketing are what connect with and have the most impact on your brand’s audience. In the Caribbean, language and culture go hand […]

Mar 2021
Expanding Business To International Markets; Aspects to consider
International Business Expansion – What you need to know With the developments in technology and now widely available internet, numerous ways of reaching target audience are available to business owners. With the Brexit dust slowly settling down and Coronavirus solutions coming into place, an international expansion is the next step for many UK based companies. […]

Feb 2020
How should companies approach internationalisation in 2020?
The way companies approach internationalization process has changed drastically over the last decade. Just 10 years ago, the ‘one-fits-all’ method was generally considered to be a good standard across majority of business sectors. Companies and organizations believed, that because a campaign worked well in one market, it would also naturally work equally well elsewhere, even […]

Feb 2020
5 Reasons to Learn a Language Before Traveling + 10 Resources to Help You Get Started
Today we are very lucky to have Shannon Kennedy from Eurolinguiste writing for us about the main reasons to learn a language before travelling. She also included 10 useful resources to help you get started! Enjoy! You can follow Shannon on Twitter & Facebook —————————————————————————————————————- When we announce our intent to visit a new country, one of […]

Oct 2019
International Marketing Campaigns That Didn’t Go To Plan
A marketing campaign can often ‘make or break’ a product. In fact, it can sometimes ‘make or break’ an entire brand. PR and marketing experts habitually say that it doesn’t really matter how good or bad your product is, the only thing that truly matters is how you present it to the potential customer. Although […]

May 2019
Money talks, but in what language?
Does the demand for language services go hand in hand with UK trading numbers? Does the demand for a language you translate match UK import/export statistics? Find out! Money talks, but in what language? Despite what appears to be the utmost efforts from the UK government and EU leaders to make Brexit as complicated […]

Apr 2018
Most Difficult Documents To Translate
What are the most difficult document types to translate? The complexities of language make professional translations more difficult than most monolingual speakers can often appreciate. Understanding the rules of language is only the very first hurdle qualified linguists must master. The next challenge is to fully understand not only the speaking habits, culture and social […]

Jan 2018
9 Language Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
9 Interesting Facts About Language Diversity There are over 7,000 languages in the world today and professional translators play an important role not only in the day to day activities and business support, but also in preserving the heritage of cultures and languages. Very often, dominant languages are endangering many indigenous forms of communication. In […]