May 2019
Money talks, but in what language?
Does the demand for language services go hand in hand with UK trading numbers? Does the demand for a language you translate match UK import/export statistics? Find out! Money talks, but in what language? Despite what appears to be the utmost efforts from the UK government and EU leaders to make Brexit as complicated […]

Jan 2018
9 Language Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
9 Interesting Facts About Language Diversity There are over 7,000 languages in the world today and professional translators play an important role not only in the day to day activities and business support, but also in preserving the heritage of cultures and languages. Very often, dominant languages are endangering many indigenous forms of communication. In […]

Mar 2016
Oscars Nomination Committee Scrutinised Over Best Foreign Language Film
The Oscar nomination committee were in the news again this week over claims that Hollywood is anti-ethnic – an irony considering the industry is dominated by Jewish owners. In the build up to the illustrious Academy Awards which happened last week, the nominations for the Best Foreign Language film came under scrutiny due to […]