Aug 2017
How Can Multinational Firms Improve Communication?
Can Marketing translations help your business? To succeed in a global economy, multi-national businesses face a number of internal and external challenges. The workforce is often multi-national and foreign markets need to be approached in the language of the native audience. It is common for international businesses to approach such challenges by implementing a multi-language structure, […]

Jun 2017
Can your law firm benefit from legal translation services?
Multilingual communities and global businesses have increased the demands of legal departments exponentially in the last couple of decades. As more small businesses reach out to international audiences, caseloads begin to pile up. Law firms not only rely on language translation agencies and professional legal translators to produce high-quality and accurate content within fast turnaround […]
May 2017

Apr 2017
10 Ways Translation Services Will Cut Costs
Companies with a global reach recognise the benefits language translation service providers (LTSP) offer. If you share the same vision as bi-national and multi-national companies, it is advisable to follow their lead. Because most of them have already made the mistakes you want to avoid. Launching a new business overseas comes with a hefty price […]

Mar 2017
Let’s translate the longest German word…
Today we are happy to share with you an article written by our friend and a true language lover – George Trail. Enjoy! I’ve decided to write a blog which is ostensibly “fun” by my usual standards: one which revolves around a Youtube video posted by a German woman who herself describes it as “an […]

Dec 2016
12 Unusual Christmas Traditions from Around the World
Christmas is the season to be jolly. Certainly, in some countries, peculiar traditions provide enough entertainment to make sure that the seasonal cheer is enjoyed by everyone. From traditional beliefs and ritual practices, we take a look at some of the cultures around the world and what they get up to during Christmas. You […]
Aug 2016
Is now the perfect time to grow online?
Not too long ago, if a business owner said they will be able to trade and sell their products to almost every person in the world regardless of their location, they’ll be laughed at. Today, the idea rather than something to laugh about, is a reality. With the growth of internet and mobile devices, businesses […]

May 2016
Localisation of Food Products Earns Brands Trust
If you could trust any product on your shopping list, you would like to think the food you buy and eat is reliable. Trust is a funny thing when it comes to food, though. After all, everyone’s guilty of indulging in the odd bit of junk food every now and again, even when we know […]